Monday, August 25, 2008


Happy Birthday to me!!!! =)

Friday, August 22, 2008

We're home and Trach Free!!!

Good Bye Children's Hospital room 315!!!!
Lauren with Nurse Lilly.
Playing in the hospital playroom, she was always too sick to go in the playroom during her prior hospital stays. She had a blast playing with the dollhouse.
My silly girl. I had to close her in so she wouldn't jump out!
I LOVE Lauren's smile in this picture, it really captures her spirit.
Nurse Megan and Lauren just before we left the hospital to go home.

Some of Lauren's wonderful nurse's she has had over the past year.
Trach Free! =)
Lauren's Favorite nurse Holly. She loves Lauren so much and makes her feel so special. She was Lauren's first nurse back when we started our year long journey at Children's. We are so thankful for nurses like her.
Nurse Holly and Lauren. Going for a ride in the wagon. She loved smiling at all the nurses as we walked by.

No more Trach!
Going for a another ride in the wagon.
Mommy bought me a princess balloon to keep me entertained.
Little stinker was pushing the nurse's button when I wasn't looking!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Bye Trach!

Tomorrow is the big day! Wish us luck and lots of prayers.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

First word & steps!

So yesterday Lauren said her first word besides Mama and Dada, she said BABY! It melted my heart.

Today while we were at Lauren's OT appointment she decided to take her first steps! I'm so proud of my baby girl. I wish I would've had my camera with me, dang it!

She's been changing so much this past week, she can open doors, walk along the wall, open & empty all the cabinets, and climb in and out of the toy box. I love all the changes and I'm looking forward to all of the new changes that are in store after the trach comes out next week!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One more week!

First off, Lauren is home and healthy. =)

Second, I just received a phone call from Children's Hospital, saying her doctor wants Lauren to be admitted on Wednesday August 20Th, TO GET THE TRACH OUT!
OMG, I can't believe this day is finally only a week away. I'm so excited!!!!

It will hopefully only be a short two night stay and then she will be Trach free!

What a perfect 25Th Birthday present, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lauren update...

Just a quick update to let you all know how Lauren is feeling.

I took her to a local hospital yesterday, where they checked her out and then made the decision that she needed to be transported down to Children's. They admitted her and will probably make her stay for a few days. She has a viral infection in her lungs and was having a really hard time breathing. She was on 6 liters of oxygen and her saturation's were still in the 90-92 range. She isn't needing as much oxygen today but it's still to high to let her go home.
They started her on steroids for her lungs and they are giving her three different breathing treatments every 2 hours. She has a terrible cough and it keeps causing her to have bronc spasms due to her reactive airway disease.

She is a trooper and hanging in there. It's a lot harder being in the hospital now that she is toddler. It breaks my heart when she cries because she's in pain.

So once again our little family is separated. Bryan has been gone for the past two weeks, but will be returning tonight from his two weeks away at training. Ashley is at her grandparents and Lauren and I are an hour and a half away from home.

I want off this roller coaster ride!

OK, I better get going. I drove home for a quick shower and clean clothes.

Lauren had her favorite nurse today, so I felt comfortable leaving her to freshen up.

We've definitely been to the hospital one to many times. It was like a reunion yesterday, they all love her so much. She makes everyone smile. All the nurses took turns coming in to her room to say hello to her. It was cute.

Sorry if this post is all over the place and I'm sure I misspelled a few words! I'm going on only a few hours of sleep for the past two days.

Keep us in your prayers.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

To the Hospital we go..

Just wanted to let you all know I called Lauren's pediatrician this morning and informed her of all that is going on with her, last night and this morning, and she wants her to go to the hospital. So, if you don't hear from me, that is where we'll be. Not sure if they are going to admit her or not I will find out when we get there. Gotta run.
Talk to you soon.


Sleep is overrated!

Don't think I'm crazy for posting so early in the morning, I have a good excuse! =)

I ended up taking Lauren to the extended care hours at her doctors office tonight, she has a respiratory infection - again.

The doc started her on antibiotics and upped her breathing treatments to every four hours for the Xopenex, and every twelve hours for the Pulmocort. She seems to be responding well to the treatments, as far as the wheezing goes.

She's having a really rough night sleeping. I ended up drinking an energy drink to help me make it through this long night with her. I've learned that it's easier to just stay up and take care of her, rather than go to sleep and keep waking up, trying to do everything half asleep. She wakes up about every 15 to 30 Min's because the cough is so bad that it makes her oxygen tubing fall off and then she wakes up crying for a few seconds. I rub her back and she falls asleep for a little while, then wakes up again and the process repeats it's self all night long!

Her oxygen saturation's keep dropping. She's on five liters of oxygen and her numbers are hovering in the 93-94 range. Not good numbers, especially since she is using so much oxygen. I really wish her numbers were higher so I would feel comfortable going to sleep, my bed is looking mighty cozy right now, even though there is a three year old sprawled out in it!

There goes the alarm again, gotta go!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

As I Watch You Sleeping

As I Watch You Sleeping ~ Sheryl Trowbridge

As I watch you sleeping,

my problems seem so small.

The rewards you have to offer me,

are so big and so tall.

As I watch you sleeping,

I realize just how great your accomplishments are.

I know how much you struggle

to have made it this far.

As I watch you sleeping,

I can't imagine how my life would be without you.

Even through the hard times

I'd be lost without you.

As I watch you sleeping,

I see just how much you have brought into my life.

All the joys and happiness,

all the wonder and excitement.

As I watch you sleeping,

I am overcome with such love.

Your sweetness and happiness,

are something I can't get enough of.

As I watch you sleeping,

I think just how lucky I am.

To be the mother of such

a beautiful little girl.

As I watch you sleeping,

all of my worries seem to melt away.

I know that no matter what happens,

together we can make it through another day.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


10 years ago:
Aug 1998: Starting my sophomore year of HIGH SCHOOL!

5 years ago:
Aug 2003: I was in Fort Leonard Wood Missouri, at my Advance Individual Training School for the United States Army. It was SO HOT and Humid! Talk about being miserable. What an accomplishment though.

5 months ago:
March 2008: Nothing exciting, just living life. Taking care of my two girls and wishing my husband was home more often.

5 things on my list of things to do tomorrow:
1. Go house hunting with my agent.
2. Take Ash and Lauren to the park.
3. Unpack our bags from our weekend trip to the grandparents house.
4. Clean Lauren's trach supplies. An everyday task that I dread.
5. Take the jeep to the car wash.

5 bad habits:
1. Leaving junk in the car! Ditto Liz.
2. I run late quite often.
3. Laundry is my worst enemy, it never seems to be completely done.
4. I drink way too much dr pepper.
5. I have a sweet tooth, need I say more!

5 places I’ve lived:
1. Arlington, VA
2. Overlandpark, KS
3. Yucaipa, CA
4. Pheonix, AZ
5. Woodbridge, VA

5 things people don’t know about me
1. I have a stupid pointless tattoo. (me too Liz)
2. I met my husband during Hurricane Isabel, in Arlington Virginia.
3. I played softball, basketball, and cheer leading growing up.
4. I was 1 of 40 women in a 1200 man elite unit in the United States Army. 3RD US INFANTRY REGIMENT, THE OLD GUARD.
5. My husband use to shine my boots for me everyday! (He was a tomb guard for the tomb of the unknown soldier)

Kim, and Rory!
